
存 cd动力学 provides market risk perspectives on credit derivatives traded globally, by utilizing position data sourced from 存’s Trade Information Warehouse (TIW). TIW is a centralized infrastructure for reporting and asset servicing on approximately 98% of all credit derivative transactions outstanding worldwide.

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    Optimize your trading strategies, make informed investment decisions, and manage risk with 存’s cd动力学 service. Get access to the largest consolidated set of global credit default swap (CDS) data. cd动力学 provides an in-depth understanding of liquidity and transparency of CDS on indexes, 队, 主权, 部分, 机构, 市政, 和贷款. cd动力学 leverages data from 存’s Trade Information Warehouse (TIW) which automates lifecycle event processing and central settlement for approximately $10 trillion of credit derivatives worldwide.

    cd动力学 provides investors with data which can be used to perform systematic investment strategies and understand relative value analysis between CDS and other correlation instruments such as indexes, 选项, 部分, 及信贷etf. cd动力学 data also provides investors a unique, in-depth view of market positioning for net long or short positions.

  • 好处



    • 利用 new analytical data points to help you navigate trends and sentiment.
    • Better understand the change in notional values and number of outstanding contracts.
    • 制衡 13+ unique report views 数据.
    • 访问 +10 years of consolidated time-series and historical data starting from 2010 to expand your analysis.
    • Visualize your decision-making strategy and examine performance details with simple and powerful graphical views 数据.
    • Choose how you receive data from cd动力学 leveraging flexible delivery 选项 via SFTP or access the new enhanced cd动力学 web portal.
    • 访问 anonymized positions aggregated from +2,500 market participants across the globe, including major dealers, and buy-side firms.
    • Extensive data attribute coverage with over +1,700 unique CDS securities

  • 报道


  • 它是如何工作的

    Records of new and modified confirmed CDS trades in eligible transactions are submitted to 存’s cd动力学 as a confirmed or matched record by submission services.

    On a weekly basis 存 publishes detailed reports on all live positions recorded in the cd动力学.

    存 extracts data from the weekly position reports and generates Stock and Volume reports each Tuesday after 6:00PM ET.


  • 交付

    Weekly reports are available each Tuesday between approximately 6:00PM ET (21:00 GMT) and 1:00AM ET (06:00 GMT) and can be delivered the following ways:

    • Web界面
    • SFTP
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