ACATS enables eligible participants to efficiently and automatically enter, 审查, 并结算客户账户之间的转账. 该服务使转账程序标准化, 降低运营成本, 加快交易结算速度. ACATS使许多不同类型的资产能够转移, 包括, 但不限于, 股票, 公司及市政债券, 单位投资信托, 共同基金, 选项, 年金, 和现金.
当可适用, ACATS与澳门赌场的基金/服务系统相连, 哪些机构处理和结算共同基金交易, to expedite the re-registration of fund positions when a customer account moves from one firm to another, and when a customer mutual fund asset moves between a broker-dealer or bank and a fund. ACATS规范了共同基金的重新注册程序, reducing operating costs and the processing time of transaction settlements and re-registration of transferred fund positions.
ACATS also links with NSCC’s Insurance Processing Service (IPS) to provide insurance carriers with information necessary to re-register insurance assets that are transferred between two broker-dealers.
ACATS is a non-guaranteed service and certain transactions may be subject to reversal in the event of the default of a participant that is party to a transfer.